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So, with the challenges that 2020 has thrown at everyone in the creative industries, we’ve all had to adapt and develop our businesses to survive.
The upshot of this has been the ability to teach and record remotely. I haven’t been in physical contact with anyone other than my family for nearly 6 months and yet have managed to maintain the majority of my teaching via online platforms such as Zoom, Google Hangouts, Skype aswell as FaceTime, Messenger etc. – With my setup, I am now able to teach just as effectively as I can in person with full HD quality (connection permitting).
I have enjoyed the time with my students in a different capacity, seeing their kits, their practice space and helping them continue to achieve great things.
– and the great thing is you can be anywhere in the UK or even in the world. I an now offer lessons to anyone, anywhere at any time

If you’re interested in online drum lessons, get in touch.

New Videos & Recording Session

After several years of teaching and rehearsing in the our new studio, I thought it was about time to record a video session to promote my teaching and playing.
Working from such a great recording space at momentum studios, I collaborated with my bandmates from I Love Amp to come up with a few tunes. The Session went really well. We spent an afternoon recording the tracks and I’m pretty happy with what we managed to achieve.

Drummer Showcase

The first session is a rock track in the style of Audiosoave, Royal blood and Jeff Beck. It’s simple, heavy and loud. The session was meant to showcase my love of rock music and the raw instinctive elements in my playing.
The second session is a pop/fusion shuffle. It’s a little more technical, but still reflects how as a drummer, I focus on groove and feel.

After completing these videos, I set up a dedicated ‘Tim Brooks Drummer’ Facebook page:

Tim Brooks Drummer Facebook Page

Video Links


Drum Lessons Plymouth – A new chapter in Rhythm Section Drum Tuition’s story.

Drum Teacher Plymouth Plympton Drum Lessons Plymouth
Drum Teacher Plymouth. Drum Lessons Plymouth

Drum Lessons Plymouth – Uptake of new students.

I’ve been a drum teacher based in plymouth since 2003. Over this time I have developed my teaching practice and drum lesson structure to deliver the highest quality of tuition possible. My most recent development has been the partnership with Momentum Studios run by one of my dearest friends and finest students – Josiah Manning.

I’m in the process of making some more time available for teaching at our new state of the art studio space in Plympton, Plymouth.

Spaces are going quickly, so If you are based in the Plymouth and surrounding area and want drum lessons with an industry professional drum teacher get in touch via this ‘contact’ link or on the top of this page.



Why have drum lessons in person with a drum teacher?

Drum lessons are a great way of giving yourself the focus and direction to really refine skills, make faster progress and have a watchful eye to help overcome obstacles. Often, learning from online videos and remotely can not offer the direct feedback that being in a room with a teacher can.


The benefits of having drum lessons.

Many Studies have been carried out into the benefits of learning a musical instrument. Drums are a great way of developing coordination, listening skills, and can be enjoyed from the moment you pick up a pair of sticks. That is the biggest part of playing.



What level of success can I expect if i have drum lessons?

Drum Lessons can be a great way of achieving academic success. Many of the grades i teach in the lessons are worth UCAS points all the way from foundation level all the the way to a Degree standard (level 6) Diploma. Obviously your progress through these different levels will be directly related to how hard you work both in the drum lessons and between the lessons in practice.


This is by no means the only focus of drum lessons. Many students just want drum lessons to help them get better doing what they love. Some previous students have gone onto successful, fully fledged careers as professional drummers without using any of the standardised grades.


How do I start drum lessons with Tim at Rhythm Section Drum Tuition?

Visit this link to find out more and get in touch – Drum Lessons Plymouth at Rhythm Section Drum Tuition


So drumming has always been a passion for me so i decided it was time i dove head long into sharing a bit more of that with the virtual world. I’ve been playing professionally for over 15 years, so it’s time to take you guys on the rest of that journey with me. – keep checking in for updates, photos and videos.
